We doen ons best met cadeau Vuurwapen combinatie — Krijg de beste emmoties ooit! —

€ 1.101,00

Duur - 3 days
Personen - 1 or 2 persons
Plaats - Europe
Mand totaal: EUR 0,00 Bekijk mand

Vuurwapen combinatie

€ 1.101,00


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Voeg dit product toe aan uw winkelwagen, betaal deze bestelling en ontvang uw geschenk onmiddellijk per e-mail. Als alternatief kunt u dit geschenk binnenhalenhandgemaakt pakket. We leveren uw cadeau-accross EU over 2-10 dagen.

Vuurwapen combinatie Productomschrijving

"Vuurwapencombinatie" is een cursus die bedoeld is voor het initiëren en ontwikkelen van de vaardigheden van de cursist die alle wapensystemen in een tactische omgeving gebruikt. Deze training is bedoeld om studenten te leren omgaan met wapensystemen zoals pistolen, machinepistolen en karabijnen. Het doel is je nauwkeurigheid te ontwikkelen en je zelfvertrouwen te vergroten. Deze cursus heeft een hoog tempo, waarbij veel tijd wordt besteed aan praktische oefeningen die u voorbereiden op de meest uitdagende tactische schietsituaties. Het doel van de cursus "Vuurwapencombinatie" is om de cursist de gelegenheid te geven zijn vaardigheden met alle wapensystemen te oefenen en te ontwikkelen in een tactische omgeving en helpt om het geliefde vuurwapensysteem te vinden. Deze cursus heeft praktische oefeningen, zodat u uw nauwkeurigheid zeker kunt vergroten.

Belangrijkste dingen waarover u moet weten - Vuurwapen combinatie

- 3 dagen cursus voor 1 of 2 personen;
- dit is een groepscursus;
- Inclusief ontbijt/lunch/diner, water, thee, koffie 24/7 beschikbaar;
- Slapen in een eenpersoonskamer;
- Tot 2 personen dichtstbijzijnde luchthaven transfers;

Kogels ongeveer:
7.62mm - 100 rds.
5.56mm - 100 rds.
9mm - 200 rds.

Deze cursus wordt gegeven aan de hand van theoretische en praktische oefeningen. De lessen worden gegeven in het klaslokaal en op de schietbaan.

Belangrijkste cursusonderwerpen

- Ontwerp en mechanica van vuurwapens;
- Veiligheidsregels;
- Grondbeginselen van het schieten;
- Tactische schietprincipes;
- Gereedstaande posities;
- Snelheid noodherladen;
- Tactisch herladen;
- Storingen;
- Dubbele schoten;
- Alternatieve schietposities;
- Schieten met gebruik van dekking;
- Wapenonderhoud;


Prijs (incl. Btw)€ 1.101,00
Beschikbaarheid Beschikbaar
Age restrictions 18+
Duration 3 days
Guiedes Shooting and tactical Instructors
Meals All meals included
Persons 1 or 2 persons
Seasons All seasons
transport Airport transfers included
Card validity 2 years
Price 1150
Aantal beoordelingen 0

Presenteer uw geschenk zoals u wenst

Het is aan jou hoe je je oorspronkelijke cadeau kunt presenteren

Standart packs

Standart enveloppen in verschillende kleuren met wasstempel. EU-levering 2-8 dagen.

Egift (per e -mail)

Wereldwijde levering in minuten per e -mail.


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Frequently Asked Questions

1Who chooses the adventure and start date?

The adventure is chosen by you, the date of the beginning of the adventure and the time will be chosen by the one to whom you will present the certificate. Your loved ones will have one year for this. The countdown starts from the moment of purchase.

2Which days adventures impossible to book?

Reservation cannot be made on holidays and the adjacent weekends. For any other dates, you must book the adventure, taking into account the activation date of the adventure, each adventure has its own. On average, this is 7 days before the planned date. The certificate is valid for one year.

3What does a gift certificate look like?

When placing an order, you can choose one of three options:
1. Electronic certificate. Sent by e-mail immediately after paying for the order - you can print it and give it or just send it to your loved ones.
2. In a branded envelope with wishes on your behalf. Delivery across all Europe or self-pickup.
3. Gift wrapped with delivery throughout Europe or self-delivery.
The certificate, together with wishes on your behalf, is sealed with sealing wax and placed in a box with chocolates, rose petals, straw or other filling. Then the gift is wrapped in designer paper and decorated with fresh flowers or dried flowers. Delight is guaranteed! The price of the gift does not appear anywhere.

4How to pay and get a gift certificate?

If you have chosen an electronic certificate, then it will come to your mail immediately after payment on the site. If you have chosen gift wrapping, then after payment on the site, we will send your gift by mail on the same day, if the payment was received before 2 pm.

5How long is the gift certificate valid?

The gift certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. If you buy a gift in advance, then we can postpone the start to a later date.

6Is it possible to go to the adventure with childrens?

Each adventure in the description contains information about the participant in the adventure and their number, the number of guests, and the minimum age of the participants. If your loved ones have children and several children, we recommend that you pay attention to the "Family" category - these certificates are just for such cases.

7Where are the adventures and where are the gifts delivered?

Most of the adventures are concentrated in Europe, but there are also exclusive adventures in places that attract travelers from all over the world. We deliver certificates throughout Europe, but in the case of electronic certificates, the whole world is not enough!

8Will it be more expensive than if you contact adventure directly?

Gift vouchers include adventures that are slightly more expensive or less expensive when booked directly. In general, it turns out about the same. At the same time, you give a choice: there is no need to think about which adventure your loved ones will like and which dates will be most convenient for the trip. They will choose when and where to go. We can also beautifully pack the certificate together with the wishes on your behalf. The recipient will be delighted!

9Why is it better to buy a gift from you?

You are presented with a choice from a list of proven adventures with guaranteed high ratings and an open date. This is a unique offer! In addition, we will carefully pack your gift in a delightful box and quickly deliver it in a way convenient for you.

10What are the guarantees that everything will be fine?

According to the public offer, we conclude an agreement with each of our clients, within the framework of which our obligations must be fulfilled on time and in the full stated amount. We have big plans for the future and we absolutely do not want to collect negative reviews about us.

11What if I want to buy a certificate for myself?

If you have already decided on the adventure and are considering buying a certificate for yourself, then honestly, this is not the best solution. If so, we recommend booking the adventure directly to ensure that your preferred dates are available. The essence of our service is that you give a choice: let the recipient himself go through these pleasant chores of choosing the most interesting adventure and go there at a convenient time for him. Perhaps together with you :)

Verzending in 24 uur/7d

We kunnen gurantie, we verzenden cadeau die u in 24 uur 7d week hebt besteldWe kunnen gurantie, we verzenden cadeau die u in 24 uur 7d week hebt besteld

Gratis retour

Retourbeleid van 30 dagen

veilige betaling
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Maestro