Nous faisons de notre mieux avec le cadeau Sommet du monde — Obtenez les meilleures emmotions de tous les temps! —

30 423,00 €

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Durée - 13 days
Personnes - 1 person
Emplacement - Russia
Panier total: EUR 0,00 Voir le panier

Sommet du monde

30 423,00 €


5 avis de clients   Écrire une critique

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Sommet du monde Description du produit

Retrouvez-vous au sommet du monde, traversez l'océan Arctique à bord du brise-glace nucléaire le plus puissant du monde, explorez les sites historiques de la Terre François-Joseph, montez sur des Zodiacs, et voyez peut-être quelques ours polaires et morses. Peu de gens peuvent dire qu'ils ont voyagé aussi loin ! Devenez l'un des voyageurs qui ont atteint le pôle Nord. Croisière vers le pôle Nord en 2023Vous voyagerez à bord d'un brise-glace nucléaire capable de vaincre les glaces séculaires. Vous rencontrerez des morses paresseux, et des ours polaires viendront même jusqu'à bord du navire. Sur les bateaux zodiacs, vous vous rendrez sur les rivages rocheux habités par des colonies de grands oiseaux. Vous vous rendrez également sur la terre de Franz Josef, dont la plus grande partie est encore inexplorée, et verrez les lieux des expéditions arctiques. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pourrez nager dans l'océan Arctique ou le survoler en montgolfière. Au cours de ce voyage, vous serez accompagné par un photographe expérimenté. Il partagera ses connaissances lors des conférences à bord, ainsi que lors des débarquements. La réservation des croisières d'expédition commence 1,5 an avant le départ. En règle générale, six mois avant le voyage, il ne reste qu'un petit nombre de cabines en vente, et quelques mois avant le départ, elles peuvent ne plus être disponibles du tout. Si vous souhaitez vous rendre au pôle Nord, ne reportez pas votre décision trop longtemps.

Les principales choses que vous devez savoir - Sommet du monde

  • Hébergement à l'hôtel à Mourmansk la veille de la croisière (petit-déjeuner inclus) ;
  • Transferts de groupe aéroport - hôtel à Mourmansk le premier jour du programme ;
  • Transferts de groupe hôtel - navire le jour du départ de la croisière ;
  • Voyage à bord du navire "50 ans de Victoire" comme indiqué dans le programme de l'itinéraire ;
  • Vol en hélicoptère au-dessus de l'immensité de l'Arctique (en fonction des conditions météorologiques et de la décision du chef d'expédition) ;
  • Toutes les excursions à terre et autres activités en Zodiac pendant la croisière (en fonction des conditions météorologiques et de la décision du chef d'expédition) ;
  • Information sur la croisière par les experts polaires et le chef d'expédition ;
  • Quatre repas par jour (y compris des pâtisseries fraîches pour le goûter) ; comptoir avec café et collations légères, eau potable 24 heures par jour ;
  • Bottes en caoutchouc pour le débarquement pendant toute la durée de la croisière ;
  • Matériel d'information fourni avant le début du voyage ;
  • Journal de voyage électronique avec photos ;
  • Transferts de groupe navire-aéroport ou centre ville de Mourmansk à la fin de la croisière ;
  • Les dépenses techniques et les frais portuaires tout au long du programme ;
  • Veste d'expédition de marque ;
  • Assurance médicale personnelle en cas d'accident à bord (couverture de 100 000 euros comprenant, entre autres, les risques d'évacuation d'urgence et de rapatriement).

Find yourself on the top of the world, cross the Arctic Ocean on the most powerful nuclear icebreaker in the world, explore the historic sites on Franz Josef Land, ride Zodiacs, and maybe see some polar bears and walruses. Few people can say they have traveled so far! Become one of travelers who have reached the North Pole.

Information produit

Prix ​​(incl. TVA)30 423,00 €
Disponibilité Indisponible
Seasons Summer
Weather Very cold
Persons 1 person
Guiedes EN
Meals All meals included
Age restrictions from 8 Y.O.
Restrictions No restrictions
Duration 13 days
Insurance All passengers are covered by medical travel insurance policy to the value of 100 000 EUR per person and said policy includes emergency evacuation and repatriation. This is only for travelers under 85 years old. Travelers over 85 years old are to purchase their own insurance policy with coverage not less than 100 000 EUR – such policy is to cover risks of repatriation/evacuation from extremely remote territories, and is to be sufficient for travelling in the High Arctic. Any risks, not covered by the insurance policy provided, are to be covered by passengers at his/her disposal and at his/her own expense. Insurance is in effect only on board the Ship and outside the port of Murmansk.
Visa Russian Visa required
Number of reviews 5

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Packs standard

Enveloppes de standart dans différentes couleurs avec un tampon de cire. Livraison de l'UE 2 à 8 jours.

Egift (par e-mail)

Livraison mondiale en quelques minutes par e-mail.

Sommet du monde programme détaillé

Sequence Place/Destanation Description Interests

Murmansk, Russia

Day 1

1 day

Upon your arrival at the airport we provide a transfer to your hotel in the city center. Today you will be able to explore Murmansk. It is the world's largest city, located behind the Arctic circle.

Embarkation in Murmansk

Day 2

1 day

Today we provide a group transfer to the port, where we welcome you aboard the nuclear-powered icebreaker "50 Years of Victory". You will explore the ship and get orientated as we slip our moorings and sail north out of Kola Bay.

The Arctic ocean

Day 3-6

4 days

On the way to the North pole you will have the most interesting programs. Under favorable weather conditions, you will have landings on the ice and helicopter flights over the Arctic Islands.
Polar experts will tell you about the animal world of the Arctic. If desired, you can visit the captain's bridge or the engine room — the heart of the icebreaker. As well as a swimming pool, gym or sauna.
As we make our way across the ice cap, you witness firsthand the ship’s awesome power as massive ice blocks give way under the enormous bulk of the spoon-shaped bow. The sensation of being on deck at this time is surreal and unforgettable.

The North Pole

Day 7

1 day

Welcome to the geographic North Pole! All meridians are met at this point. After carefully navigating to 90 degrees North, we ceremoniously drop the anchor on a sturdy stretch of ice and disembark onto the frozen sea. Now is the time to experience the long-anticipated thrill of standing at the top of the world. You are also treated to a barbeque meal on the ice. You may even have the chance to take a plunge into the icy water!

Franz Josef Land

Day 8-10

3 days

These days you will explore one of the most remote regions of the Arctic — the Franz Josef land.

Polar bears and other quintessential High Arctic wildlife — such as walruses and some rare whale species — can be spotted anytime, anywhere in and around Franz Josef Land. Scree slopes and cliffs around the islands host enormous nesting colonies of migratory seabirds such as guillemots, dovekies, and ivory gulls. We take advantage of 24-hour daylight to exploit every opportunity for wildlife viewing and excursions via Zodiac and helicopter.

Franz Josef Land also offers visitors the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of famous polar explorers at well-preserved historical sites. The journals of explorers such as Julius von Payer, Benjamin Leigh Smith, Frederick George Jackson, and Fridtjof Nansen come alive at Cape Norway, Cape Flora, Eira Harbour, and Cape Tegetthoff. Memorials, monuments, crosses, and the remains of dwellings are testimony to incredible historical events that are further illuminated by our expert lecturers.

Tikhaya Bay is currently a Russian Arctic National Park ranger station occupying Soviet-era research buildings and was also a major base for polar expeditions. You can send your friends a postcard from the northernmost post office in the world, located here.

The Barents Sea

Day 11-12

2 days

The icebreaker is heading for Murmansk. After our amazing time in Franz Josef Land we cross back south through the bountiful waters of the Barents Sea.

During the final photo presentation you will be able to relive the most impressive moments of the journey. And you are invited to dinner with the captain!

You may also take advantage of onboard facilities and amenities such as a polar library, volleyball court, gym, two saunas, a warm seawater pool, gift shop, and massage treatments. Seabird viewing and whale sightings can be enjoyed from panoramic open decks as well as exterior stateroom windows.

Disembarkation in Murmansk

Day 13

1 day

Our once-in-a-lifetime journey comes to an end. After breakfast we say farewell in Murmansk. We provide you with a transfer to the airport for your flight home.

Our congratulations! Now you are one of the few travelers who have visited the top of the planet.

Voir toutes les critiques

Customer Reviews

  1. Gift Guide Round-Up

    This is a wonderful gift for anyone. So many people are so happy to receive this gift.

    Commenté par anonyme le 24 septembre 2022 19:35 | Permalien

    Cette revue n'a pas de votes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1Who chooses the adventure and start date?

The adventure is chosen by you, the date of the beginning of the adventure and the time will be chosen by the one to whom you will present the certificate. Your loved ones will have one year for this. The countdown starts from the moment of purchase.

2Which days adventures impossible to book?

Reservation cannot be made on holidays and the adjacent weekends. For any other dates, you must book the adventure, taking into account the activation date of the adventure, each adventure has its own. On average, this is 7 days before the planned date. The certificate is valid for one year.

3What does a gift certificate look like?

When placing an order, you can choose one of three options:
1. Electronic certificate. Sent by e-mail immediately after paying for the order - you can print it and give it or just send it to your loved ones.
2. In a branded envelope with wishes on your behalf. Delivery across all Europe or self-pickup.
3. Gift wrapped with delivery throughout Europe or self-delivery.
The certificate, together with wishes on your behalf, is sealed with sealing wax and placed in a box with chocolates, rose petals, straw or other filling. Then the gift is wrapped in designer paper and decorated with fresh flowers or dried flowers. Delight is guaranteed! The price of the gift does not appear anywhere.

4How to pay and get a gift certificate?

If you have chosen an electronic certificate, then it will come to your mail immediately after payment on the site. If you have chosen gift wrapping, then after payment on the site, we will send your gift by mail on the same day, if the payment was received before 2 pm.

5How long is the gift certificate valid?

The gift certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. If you buy a gift in advance, then we can postpone the start to a later date.

6Is it possible to go to the adventure with childrens?

Each adventure in the description contains information about the participant in the adventure and their number, the number of guests, and the minimum age of the participants. If your loved ones have children and several children, we recommend that you pay attention to the "Family" category - these certificates are just for such cases.

7Where are the adventures and where are the gifts delivered?

Most of the adventures are concentrated in Europe, but there are also exclusive adventures in places that attract travelers from all over the world. We deliver certificates throughout Europe, but in the case of electronic certificates, the whole world is not enough!

8Will it be more expensive than if you contact adventure directly?

Gift vouchers include adventures that are slightly more expensive or less expensive when booked directly. In general, it turns out about the same. At the same time, you give a choice: there is no need to think about which adventure your loved ones will like and which dates will be most convenient for the trip. They will choose when and where to go. We can also beautifully pack the certificate together with the wishes on your behalf. The recipient will be delighted!

9Why is it better to buy a gift from you?

You are presented with a choice from a list of proven adventures with guaranteed high ratings and an open date. This is a unique offer! In addition, we will carefully pack your gift in a delightful box and quickly deliver it in a way convenient for you.

10What are the guarantees that everything will be fine?

According to the public offer, we conclude an agreement with each of our clients, within the framework of which our obligations must be fulfilled on time and in the full stated amount. We have big plans for the future and we absolutely do not want to collect negative reviews about us.

11What if I want to buy a certificate for myself?

If you have already decided on the adventure and are considering buying a certificate for yourself, then honestly, this is not the best solution. If so, we recommend booking the adventure directly to ensure that your preferred dates are available. The essence of our service is that you give a choice: let the recipient himself go through these pleasant chores of choosing the most interesting adventure and go there at a convenient time for him. Perhaps together with you :)

Expédition en 24h / 7d

Nous pouvons gurantie, nous expédierons le cadeau que vous avez commandé dans 24h 7d semaineNous pouvons gurantie, nous expédierons le cadeau que vous avez commandé dans 24h 7d semaine

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